AMALAE recently visited Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) with a purpose to better understand the Technologists & Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768).

So what is MBOT?
MBOT is one of the new professional bodies that gives Professional Recognition to Technologists and Technicians in related technology and technical fields.

With relation to Section 5 (Act 768) stipulates MBOT to perform the following functions:
    To recognize and register Technologists and Technicians as Professionals based on technology and technical fields;
    To provide facilities for the promotion of education and training and to hold or cause to be held, professional development programmes for registered persons to further enhance their knowledge relating to their professions;
    To conduct assessments or to cause assessments to be conducted by an institution approved by the Board for the purpose of admission to the profession;
    To determine and regulate the conduct and ethics of the technologists and technician profession; and
    Generally, to carry out all such acts and do all such things as may appear to the Board necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.

Benefits of registering with MBOT include the following:

Recognition & Acceptance
Individuals can use the title of Ts./P.Tech or Tc./C.Tech. Acceptance by peers in industry, academia & public services

Talent Mobility
More opportunities for professionals from every level of technology

Life-long learning
MBOT adopts CPD hours that will encourage professionals to attend professional courses & they can be done directly through TEP members

Technology Fora & Programmes
Regular fora & programmes will be conducted by MBOT and TEP for every technology fields

AMALAE through MBOT hopes to equip its members with forthcoming recognition, training and talent upgrades/reskilling to face future transformative economic, industrial, social and environmental challenges of globalization.